How to Build a Fully Automated Beacon Farm in Minecraft

Beacons are powerful tools in Minecraft, offering beneficial effects like speed, strength, and regeneration. However, they are notoriously challenging to obtain due to the resources needed. With advancements in Minecraft 1.21, it’s now possible to build a fully automated AFK beacon farm that continuously generates beacons without requiring manual intervention. This guide walks you through each step, from resource gathering to crafting the final beacon.

How to Build a Fully Automated Beacon Farm in Minecraft

Beacons are one of the most powerful and sought-after items in Minecraft, providing players with incredible status effects and buffs. However, obtaining the necessary materials to craft a beacon can be a daunting task, especially when you need multiple beacons for your world. That’s where an automated beacon farm comes in handy. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of building a fully automated beacon farm in Minecraft, allowing you to generate an endless supply of beacons with minimal effort. Read more such articles on

Understanding the Requirements

Before we dive into the construction process, let’s take a moment to understand the materials needed for a beacon and how an automated farm can help streamline the process. To craft a beacon, you’ll need the following items:

  • Nether Star – Obtained by defeating the Wither boss

  • Glass – Crafted from sand

  • Obsidian – Mined with a diamond pickaxe from a still lava surface that has come into contact with water

  • Iron Ingots – Smelted from iron ore

An automated beacon farm will focus on generating Nether Stars, as they are the most challenging component to obtain. By setting up a system to repeatedly spawn and defeat the Wither boss, you can ensure a steady supply of Nether Stars for your beacons.

Constructing the Automated Beacon Farm

Building an automated beacon farm requires a combination of redstone circuitry, mob spawners, and strategic placement of blocks. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Setting up the Wither Skeleton Farm

  1. Find a Nether Fortress – This is where Wither Skeletons naturally spawn. Locate a Nether Fortress and clear out a safe area to work in.

  2. Build a mob spawner platform – Construct a platform above the Nether Fortress, ensuring that it’s high enough for Wither Skeletons to spawn.

  3. Install a killing chamber – Create a small room below the spawning platform, equipped with lava and a collection system to gather the Wither Skeleton drops.

  4. Automate the system – Use redstone components like pistons, hoppers, and comparators to automate the killing process and collect the Wither Skeleton Skulls.

Key Components of the Beacon Farm

1. Wither Skull Farm

  • Mechanism: Uses tamed wolves to kill Wither Skeletons automatically.

  • Output: Wither Skulls, coal.

2. Obsidian and Soul Sand Farm

  • Mechanism: Piglin bartering system combined with a gravity block duper for sand.

  • Output: Obsidian, Soul Sand.

3. Glass Farm

  • Mechanism: Sand duplication combined with automated glass furnaces.

  • Output: Glass.

4. Nether Star Farm

  • Mechanism: Wither killer using Bedrock traps.

  • Output: Nether Stars.

5. Crafter

  • Mechanism: Automatically combines Obsidian, Nether Stars, and Glass into Beacons.

Step-by-Step Breakdown

1. Wither Skull Farm

The Wither Skull Farm is essential for obtaining the Wither Skulls needed to summon the Wither boss.

  • Setup: Build a Wither Skeleton farm in a fortress, ideally in a biome with high spawn rates.

  • Wolf-Based Kill Mechanism: Tamed wolves automatically attack and kill Wither Skeletons when they drop into a killing chamber.

  • Item Sorting: Implement a sorting system to collect Wither Skulls and separate out coal.

2. Obsidian and Soul Sand Farm

Farming Obsidian and Soul Sand is vital for beacon crafting.

  • Piglin Bartering System: Automate the exchange of gold for Obsidian and Soul Sand using Piglins.

  • Gold Supply: Ensure a steady gold supply by connecting to a gold farm.

  • Gravity Block Duper: Use a duper to generate sand for Soul Sand conversion.

3. Glass Farm

Glass is another key ingredient for beacons. Automating this process requires both sand generation and smelting.

  • Sand Duplication: Build a gravity block duper to produce sand.

  • Transportation System: Set up a minecart system to transport sand to your smelters.

  • Furnace Array: Use a furnace array with auto-smelters to convert sand into glass.

4. Nether Star Farm

The Nether Star Farm is the core of the beacon farm, producing the stars needed to craft beacons.

  • Wither Killer: Use Bedrock to trap and kill Withers automatically. This setup ensures that the Withers are contained and can’t escape.

  • Collection System: Implement a hopper system to gather Nether Stars as they drop.

5. Crafter

Finally, the crafter brings everything together, automatically combining Obsidian, Nether Stars, and Glass.

  • Automatic Crafting: Use a crafting setup that combines the three resources into beacons.

  • Output Storage: Store crafted beacons in a chest or sorting system for easy access.

Additional Considerations

  • Chunk Loading: Ensure key chunks stay loaded for continuous operation.

  • Redstone Engineering: Master advanced Redstone mechanisms to optimize the farm’s efficiency.

  • Maintenance: While aiming for full automation, some manual checks and maintenance might still be required, especially for resource replenishment or system checks.

How to Build a Fully Automated Beacon Farm in Minecraft Conclusion

Building an AFK beacon farm in Minecraft is a large-scale project that requires careful planning and resource management. By following this guide and utilizing the advanced mechanics introduced in Minecraft 1.21, you can automate the production of beacons, making your gameplay more efficient and enjoyable.

If you want to explore a specific component further, like the Wither Skull Farm or Glass Farm, let me know

How to Build a Fully Automated Beacon Farm in Minecraft FAQs

1. Do I need to be in the Nether to farm Wither Skulls?

Yes, you should build your Wither Skeleton farm in a Nether fortress where Wither Skeletons naturally spawn. This increases the efficiency and skull drop rates.

Trap the Wither under Bedrock, typically found at the roof of the Nether. The Wither can be killed automatically using Redstone mechanisms or by suffocation, ensuring a safe and efficient process.

Technically yes, but the farm’s efficiency drops drastically without chunk loading. It’s recommended to use chunk loaders to keep essential parts of your farm active even when you’re not nearby.

Gravity block dupers exploit game mechanics to duplicate sand, gravel, or other falling blocks. The duplicated sand is then processed into glass or Soul Sand.

The most complex part is setting up the Wither killer and ensuring that the Nether Stars are collected efficiently. Proper Redstone engineering and testing are key.

For an AFK farm, you need to be in-game, but with proper automation and chunk loading, you don’t need to be actively playing. Some farms may also work while idle in a safe location.

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