The Akatsuki is one of the most infamous criminal organizations in the Naruto universe. Comprised of rogue ninjas and powerful individuals, they sought world domination through various schemes, including capturing all the Tailed Beasts. The Akatsuki members are known for their unique abilities and devastating powers, making them some of the most memorable villains in anime history.

In this blog post, we’ll rank the top 17 members of the Akatsuki, based on their strength, abilities, and overall impact on the series. Let’s dive into the ranking and explore why these characters hold their respective spots. Read more such articles on

The Ranking of Akatsuki

1. Kaguya Otsutsuki

As the progenitor of chakra and the true final villain in Naruto, Kaguya Otsutsuki possesses godlike powers. Her mastery over chakra, dimensional manipulation, and her immortality make her the strongest entity in the Akatsuki’s lore. She single-handedly shaped the world of shinobi and is virtually unbeatable.

2. Madara Uchiha

The legendary Madara Uchiha was resurrected and became a near-invincible force during the Fourth Great Ninja War. His mastery of the Rinnegan, Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and Susano’o, combined with his ability to use the Ten-Tails, made him almost unstoppable. Few could challenge his dominance.

3. Obito Uchiha (Masked Man)

For much of the series, Obito Uchiha was the mastermind behind the Akatsuki. He controlled the Nine-Tails, wielded the Kamui, and eventually became the host of the Ten-Tails. His tragic backstory and overwhelming abilities earned him a key role in orchestrating the events leading to the Fourth Great Ninja War.

4. Pain (Nagato Uzumaki)

As the “leader” of the Akatsuki for most of the series, Pain used the Six Paths of Pain, a technique that allowed him to control six corpses simultaneously. His Rinnegan made him a god-like figure in the eyes of many, and he was responsible for some of the series’ most devastating moments, including the destruction of Konoha.

5. Itachi Uchiha

A fan-favorite character, Itachi Uchiha is revered for his intellect, Mangekyō Sharingan, and powerful genjutsu. While his motives were noble, his abilities were deadly. Itachi could defeat opponents before they realized they were in a genjutsu. His sacrifice and tragic past only heighten his legend within the Akatsuki.

6. Orochimaru

One of the Sannin and a former Akatsuki member, Orochimaru is known for his immortality, vast knowledge of forbidden techniques, and his endless pursuit of power. While he eventually left the organization, Orochimaru’s contributions to its operations, such as recruiting powerful members like Itachi and Sasori, cement his dangerous presence.

7. Kisame Hoshigaki

Known as the “Tailed Beast Without a Tail,” Kisame Hoshigaki was a fearsome fighter, particularly due to his sword Samehada, which absorbed chakra from his opponents. His immense strength, endurance, and water-based abilities allowed him to stand toe-to-toe with some of the strongest shinobi.

8. Black Zetsu

A manipulative entity that orchestrated much of the events in the Naruto world, Black Zetsu was essentially the will of Kaguya Otsutsuki. Although not a direct combatant, Black Zetsu’s ability to influence and betray even the most powerful characters, including Madara Uchiha, makes him one of the deadliest forces in the series.

9. Deidara

A highly creative fighter, Deidara used explosive clay to craft devastating bombs. His philosophy of art as an explosion added depth to his character, and his prowess in aerial combat made him a challenging opponent. His ultimate technique, C0, was a final, self-destructive blast that could level entire areas.

10. Sasori

A master puppeteer, Sasori‘s expertise in poison and his transformation into a human puppet made him a unique and deadly Akatsuki member. He could control hundreds of puppets at once, each one a modified human weapon. His fight with Sakura and Chiyo remains one of the most memorable battles in the series.

11. Kakuzu

With the ability to steal hearts and prolong his life, Kakuzu was almost immortal. His use of multiple elemental jutsu, thanks to the hearts he absorbed from other shinobi, made him a versatile and powerful opponent. His partnership with Hidan, another near-immortal member, was one of the deadliest in the Akatsuki.

12. Hidan

Hidan’s claim to fame is his immortality, granted by his worship of the evil god Jashin. He could perform a ritual to curse his opponents, linking their bodies to his, ensuring that any damage inflicted on him would affect them. This deadly combination made him nearly impossible to defeat in a direct fight.

13. Jugo

While not an official Akatsuki member, Jugo was closely associated with the group through his alliance with Sasuke’s Taka team. His ability to absorb and utilize natural energy to transform into a berserk form made him a dangerous and unpredictable fighter.

14. Konan

A founding member of the Akatsuki, Konan was the right hand of Nagato and a skilled fighter in her own right. Her signature technique, where she transformed her body into thousands of sheets of paper, allowed her to launch lethal attacks and even set complex traps, such as the one that nearly killed Obito.

15. Juzo Biwa

A lesser-known Akatsuki member, Juzo Biwa was a former Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. He wielded the sword Kubikiribōchō and demonstrated immense strength and swordsmanship, though he was ultimately less prominent than other Akatsuki members.

16. White Zetsu

Although not as strong in direct combat, White Zetsu was indispensable due to his infiltration abilities. His ability to clone himself and others made him a valuable asset during the Fourth Great Ninja War, allowing the Akatsuki to spread chaos across the battlefield.

17. Tobi (Early Obito Persona)

Before revealing his true identity as Obito, Tobi took on a more playful and less threatening persona. However, this masked guise was a facade that hid his cunning nature. While not as overtly powerful as other Akatsuki members during this phase, Tobi’s presence still impacted the Akatsuki’s operations.

Ranking the Akatsuki: A Comprehensive Guide Conclusion

The Akatsuki is filled with powerful, complex, and dangerous individuals, each contributing uniquely to the group’s overall impact on the Naruto universe. Whether through sheer strength, cunning, or versatility, these characters have left a lasting legacy on anime fans. This ranking is based on their overall strength, abilities, and narrative significance. Of course, these rankings are subjective, and fans may have different interpretations of each member’s influence.

Ranking the Akatsuki: A Comprehensive Guide FAQs

Who is the strongest member of the Akatsuki?

Kaguya Otsutsuki is generally considered the strongest member of the Akatsuki.

The Akatsuki’s goals include capturing all the Tailed Beasts and achieving world domination.

Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan founded the Akatsuki.

The Rinnegan is a powerful eye technique that grants its user various abilities, including summoning, healing, and dimensional manipulation.

Itachi’s tragic backstory, powerful Sharingan, and his ultimate sacrifice have made him a beloved character among fans.

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