September’s Pokémon GO: Exciting events, new features, and rare Pokémon

September is shaping up to be one of the most exciting months for Pokémon GO enthusiasts. With a jam-packed schedule of events, the introduction of new features like Dynamax Pokémon, and the chance to catch rare and shiny Pokémon, there’s something for everyone this month. Whether you’re a casual player or a dedicated trainer, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to make the most of September’s offerings in Pokémon GO. Read more such articles on

September’s Key Events and Dates

  • GO All-Out Event: September 3rd – 10th

  • GO Big Event: September 10th – 15th

  • Community Day (featuring Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta): September 14th

  • Psychic Spectacular: September 18th – 22nd

  • Legendary Heroes Event: September 26th – October 1st

This month’s events are filled with opportunities to catch new Pokémon, participate in exciting raids, and take advantage of unique bonuses. Let’s break down the highlights of each event.

Dynamax Pokémon and New Features

One of the most anticipated features this month is the introduction of Dynamax Pokémon. From September 10th to October 1st, Max Battles will allow trainers to encounter and catch Dynamax Pokémon, including favorites like Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Wulu. These battles are expected to bring a new level of strategy and excitement to the game, as trainers can engage with Dynamax Pokémon in specially designed raid settings.

Research Breakthrough Box Rewards

This month’s Research Breakthrough Box is packed with exciting rewards. From Galarian Weezing to Furfrou, and the elusive Jangmo-o, trainers have the chance to catch Pokémon that are not only powerful but also potentially shiny. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Galarian Weezing

  • Galarian Mr. Mime

  • Excadrill

  • Scraggy

  • Furfrou

  • Jangmo-o

With most of these Pokémon available in their shiny forms, this is a golden opportunity for collectors.

Wild Spawns and Regional Variants

The variety of wild spawns this month ensures that no matter where you are, there’s something exciting to catch. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect based on your environment:

  • City: Gengar, Skitty, Beldum, Scraggy, Furfrou, and more.

  • Forest: Exeggcute, Chansey, Pinsir, Hoppip, Shroomish, and Grubbin.

  • Mountains: Onix, Sudowoodo, Sableye, Agron, Baltoy, and Golett.

  • Beaches and Water: Kingler, Staryu, Lapras, Remoraid, Ducklett, and Sandygast.

Regional variants include:

  • Northern Hemisphere: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Pineco, Huan Quilfish, Larvitar, and Deerling.

  • Southern Hemisphere: Huan Voltorb, Feebas, Snivy, Turtwig, Deerling (Spring), and Dino.

Egg Hatches and Seasonal Bonuses

This month’s egg hatches introduce a range of new Pokémon across different egg types. Be sure to keep your incubators busy with these exciting hatch possibilities:

  • 2 km Eggs: Cleffa, Igglybuff, Tyrogue, Wynaut, Larvesta.

  • 5 km Eggs: Larvesta, Kamala, Grookey, Scorbunny, Sableye.

  • 7 km Eggs: Galarian Meowth, Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Farfetch’d, Galarian Zigzagoon, and Galarian Yamask.

  • 10 km Eggs: Dratini, Larvesta, and the new Chewtle.

Seasonal Bonuses this month include:

  • Increased XP from 7-day PokéStop spins.

  • Increased XP and Stardust from 7-day Pokémon catch streaks.

  • One additional candy when trading Pokémon.

  • One additional XL candy when trading Pokémon.

Legendary Raids and Spotlight Hours

September’s Legendary Raids are a highlight, featuring some of the most powerful Pokémon in the game:

  • Kyogre: September 3rd – 14th

  • Groudon: September 14th – 26th

  • Zarude: September 26th – October 4th

Zarude’s debut as a shiny Pokémon is a historic moment in Pokémon GO, so make sure you’re ready for these raids!

Spotlight Hours this month feature Pokémon like Wulu, Dupe, Wobbuffet, and Machop. Each hour offers special bonuses, such as 2x Evolution XP or 2x Catch Stardust, making them perfect opportunities to level up your Pokémon and earn extra rewards.

Special Research and Free Ultra Beasts

For those who participated in Day 1 of the GO Fest, September brings more excitement with the Triumph Together Research. This special research task offers encounters with Ultra Beasts, ensuring that trainers don’t miss out on these rare Pokémon.

September's Pokémon GO: Exciting events, new features, and rare Pokémon Conclusion

September is packed with exciting events, new features, and rare Pokémon, making it a must-play month for all Pokémon GO trainers. With the introduction of Dynamax Pokémon, the opportunity to catch shiny legends, and the seasonal bonuses, there’s never been a better time to dive into the game. Don’t miss out on the action—grab your phone, head outside, and start catching them all

September's Pokémon GO: Exciting events, new features, and rare Pokémon FAQs

Q1: What is the GO All-Out event, and when does it take place?

The GO All-Out event is a special Pokémon GO event running from September 3rd to September 10th. It features new Pokémon, gameplay mechanics, and unique rewards for trainers.

Max Battles are a new feature introduced this month, allowing players to encounter and battle Dynamax Pokémon in unique raid settings. These battles offer a fresh challenge and the chance to catch powerful Dynamax Pokémon.

The Research Breakthrough Box for September includes Galarian Weezing, Galarian Mr. Mime, Excadrill, Scraggy, Furfrou, and Jangmo-o. Most of these Pokémon can be shiny, making this box highly desirable for collectors.

  • The Spotlight Hours in September feature the following Pokémon:

    • Wulu on September 3rd with 2x Evolution XP.

    • Dupe on September 10th with 2x Catch Stardust.

    • Wobbuffet on September 17th with 2x Catch XP.

    • Machop on September 24th with 2x Catch Candy.

  • In September, the regional variants include:

    • Northern Hemisphere: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Pineco, Huan Quilfish, Larvitar, and Deerling.

    • Southern Hemisphere: Huan Voltorb, Feebas, Snivy, Turtwig, Deerling (Spring), and Dino.

Legendary Raids for September feature Kyogre from September 3rd to 14th, Groudon from September 14th to 26th, and Zarude from September 26th to October 4th. Zarude will debut as a shiny Pokémon, making these raids especially exciting.

Players who participated in the Day 1 GO Fest will have access to a special research task that rewards encounters with Ultra Beasts, allowing them to catch these rare Pokémon.

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