Why You Should Side with the Emperor in Baldur’s Gate 3: A Role-Playing Perspective

One of the most compelling reasons to side with the Emperor in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the belief that it’s the only viable way to defeat the Netherbrain. Throughout your interactions with the Emperor, he presents himself as the only solution to the dire situation at hand. He claims that only a Mind Flayer can stop the Netherbrain, and without his help, you’d be enthralled by its power.

Now, while this might sound like a manipulative tactic, there’s a nugget of truth to it. The Netherbrain is an ascended entity, far more powerful than any mortal can handle alone. When you attempt to use the Netherstones to control the brain, you quickly realize that you can’t do it on your own. The Emperor is the only Mind Flayer present in that crucial moment, making his offer of assistance seem essential.

As a player, you have the option to free Orpheus, who could potentially help you in the battle against the Netherbrain. But Orpheus is a wild card. From a role-playing perspective, if you’re making this decision as your character would—without the benefit of hindsight or the ability to reload saves—siding with the Emperor might seem like the safer bet. Read more such articles on Gamingepicenter.com

The Unknown Variables of Orpheus

Let’s consider this from your character’s point of view. Unlike us, who can look up the consequences of our choices on YouTube or Google, your character doesn’t have perfect foresight. The fate of Baldur’s Gate, and possibly the world, hangs in the balance. You don’t know if Orpheus, once freed, will truly aid you or if he might turn on you before attempting to take down the Netherbrain himself.

When you first encounter Orpheus in the Astral Prism, he views you as an enemy and would rather see you dead. He only agrees to work with you out of sheer necessity, and he even suggests that your best option would have been to let his honor guard kill you. Not exactly the most reassuring ally, right?

On the other hand, the Emperor has consistently helped shield you from the Netherbrain’s mental control throughout the game. While his motivations aren’t altruistic—he’s using you as a tool to operate in the outside world—his actions have, so far, kept you safe. When it comes time to confront the Netherbrain, the Emperor proposes consuming Orpheus’s mind, which allows him to break free from the brain’s control and keep you and your allies from becoming enthralled.

The Raphael Dilemma

An alternative to siding with the Emperor is to make a deal with Raphael, the cambion devil. But this option comes with its own set of risks. Cambions are notorious for trapping people in lopsided deals where they take more than they give. Raphael offers you the Orphic Hammer, which can free Orpheus, but in return, he demands the Crown of Karsus—a powerful artifact that would grant him immeasurable power in Avernus.

This might not seem like a big deal if you’re only concerned with saving Baldur’s Gate. But if you care about characters like Karlach, who might need to return to Avernus to survive, giving Raphael that kind of power could have dire consequences. Furthermore, Raphael’s help is limited; even with the hammer, you might still need to transform into a Mind Flayer to defeat the Netherbrain. Is it really worth giving him the crown for such limited assistance?

You could also choose to steal the hammer from Raphael by breaking into the House of Hope. While this mission is one of the most thrilling parts of the game, it’s also objectively insane. You’re already facing the imminent threat of the Netherbrain and dealing with the tadpoles in your brain, so adding a heist in Hell to your list of problems might not be the smartest move from a role-playing perspective.

The Emperor’s History and the Appeal of Balduran

Another reason you might consider siding with the Emperor is the revelation of his true identity: Balduran, the legendary hero who founded Baldur’s Gate. After saving Wyll’s father, you learn that the Emperor was once Balduran before he was transformed into a Mind Flayer. He believes that becoming a Mind Flayer has granted him greater powers, which he now uses to protect the city he once established.

Who better to save Baldur’s Gate than the man who built it? The Emperor, formerly Balduran, understands the city’s history and its significance better than anyone else. He consistently urges you to embrace your tadpole and consider the benefits of transforming into a Mind Flayer, just as he did. If you’re role-playing as a character who values the city’s legacy and survival above all else, this could be a compelling reason to side with him.

Squid Games: A Different Kind of Bond

There’s also the matter of your relationship with the Emperor. Larian Studios recently shared some interesting stats: over 1 million players chose to romance the Emperor, almost twice the number who romanced Halsin. If you’ve developed a closer bond with the Emperor, it’s unlikely that you’d betray him in favor of Orpheus, especially when the fate of the world is at stake. Love, or whatever connection you’ve formed, can be a powerful motivator in role-playing decisions.

Moral Ambiguity and Ethical Dilemmas

One of the most captivating aspects of siding with the Emperor is the opportunity to explore the blurred lines between good and evil. The Emperor’s actions and motivations are not black and white, but rather shades of gray. Players who choose to trust the Emperor must grapple with the moral implications of their decision.

Is it right to ally with a mind flayer, even if he seems to have the party’s best interests at heart? How much can one trust a being who has manipulated and deceived for so long? These ethical dilemmas add depth and complexity to the roleplaying experience, challenging players to question their own moral compass and the nature of morality itself.

Unique Roleplaying Opportunities

Siding with the Emperor opens up a world of unique roleplaying opportunities that are not available to those who choose to oppose him. Players can engage in captivating conversations, uncover hidden truths, and even explore the possibility of a romance.

These interactions add depth and nuance to the player’s relationship with the Emperor, allowing them to shape the character’s personality and beliefs. Players can choose to trust the Emperor, question his motives, or even challenge his authority, depending on their roleplaying preferences.

Embracing the Complexity of Choice

In the end, siding with the Emperor in Baldur’s Gate 3 is not a decision to be made lightly. It requires players to grapple with complex moral questions, confront their own biases and prejudices, and ultimately decide for themselves whether the Emperor is worthy of their trust. By embracing the complexity of this choice, players can engage in a rich and immersive roleplaying experience that goes beyond simple good vs. evil dichotomies.

They can explore the nuances of morality, the consequences of their actions, and the nature of identity itself. So as you navigate the treacherous waters of Baldur’s Gate 3, remember that the path you choose is yours alone. Trust your instincts, question your assumptions, and let your roleplaying guide you towards a truly unforgettable experience.

Why You Should Side with the Emperor in Baldur's Gate 3: A Role-Playing Perspective Conclusion

At the end of the day, whether you decide to ally with the Emperor or not comes down to personal preference and how you choose to role-play your character. The Emperor offers a unique blend of power, history, and intrigue that makes him a compelling ally. While there are other paths you can take, the reasons to side with the Emperor are numerous and worth considering, especially if you’re looking for the most direct route to defeating the Netherbrain.

Why You Should Side with the Emperor in Baldur's Gate 3: A Role-Playing Perspective FAQs

Q: Is it possible to trust the Emperor completely?

While the Emperor has shown a willingness to help the party, his true motives and long-term goals remain unclear. Players should be cautious about placing their full trust in him, as his actions may have unforeseen consequences.

It is possible for the player character to undergo a ceremorphosis and transform into a mind flayer, but this is not a guaranteed outcome of siding with the Emperor. The player’s choices and actions throughout the game will ultimately determine their fate.

The choice to side with the Emperor can have a significant impact on the game’s ending, but the exact outcomes will depend on the player’s decisions and the events that unfold throughout the story. Players should be prepared for a range of possible endings, some of which may be unexpected or challenging.

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